A cartoon girl with curly ginger hair and large glasses looks up at a frog sitting on her head

Bringing a bedtime story to life

David had a great story but needed someone to bring it to life with illustrations so he turned to dollop.

David Surridge
Book Design

What we did.

David approached us with a story, but in his own words had 'no artistic talent'. He'd approached a couple of publishers and there was interest in the story but wanted to have some illustrations and a book to make it into something physical.

He had a vision in mind for Penelope which we set about sketching up and seeing if what we'd doodled was as he pictured. Luckily we weren't far off and then it was a case of breaking down the story into pages, working together to decide what illustrations we'd show and how many. It's a really fun process of working together. The author will see the story in their mind and it's a case of trying to prise that out and then translate that into a drawing.

Once we'd completed all the illustrations we worked together on the book layout and pages to get it print ready for the publisher.

This was such a fun project to be involved with and it's always a great feeling to get your hands on a physical copy of something you've worked on to see it in book shops.

The front over of the book Penelope Pondhead
A cartoon of a girl smiling in bed. She has large ginger hair and big glasses with pink bed sheets
a grumpy looking cartoon girl with curly ginger hair and big glasses has her arms folded and is stood in an untidy bedroom
An open page from the Penelope Pondhead book. One page is an illustration of a young cartoon girl and the other is text from the book.
Penelope Pondhead book laid flat on a floor with a page mid turn
An open childrens book featuring illustrations from the story and the text on the page opposite. The front cover is laid under the open book and is partly visible

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