A costal setting with clear blue waters. A small sailing boat is anchored up. The logo for Shusma Knight sits in the middle of the image.

Luxury travel brand and website

Shusma has built relationships with luxury holiday brands during her years in the travel industry and needed a brand to fit the market and the service she was offering.

Shusma Knight
Brand Identity
Brand Development
Web Design
User Experience

What we did.

We've know Shusma for a long time, working together in previous roles and were delighted when she approached us to develop her brand and website. Shusma delivers a consultancy service that provides bespoke sales and marketing solutions to a carefully curated selection of Luxury Hotels and Resorts in the Mediterranean.

The brand had to reflect the quality of service offered and give the impression of luxury that sat well within the high end sector of the travel market.

We worked closely together to create a website that showcased the clients she works with and highlighted the level of service she offered to potential hoteliers. The travel industry has an abundance of stunning photography so it was important to try and use these great images to portray luxury and quality.

An embossed card featuring the Shusma Knight logo
A selection of website pages from the website we created for Shusma.
A webpage mock up showing the 3 hotels making up the collection the client works for
A design mock up of a business card. The colours are muted giving a sense of luxury.
A feature image showing the blue Shusma Knight logo on a lightly textured background.
A trio of mobile screens of how the website looks on mobile devices.

What they said about our work...

Thank you so much for understanding my brief and delivering such a fantastic design concept that captures the ethos, values and inspiration for my Company! I can’t recommend you highly enough. Well Done.

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